carmen's kitch: weekend inspiration - thoughts on mentors

The day I sat down with my journal and wrote out my list of mentors and life coaches was one of the best things I've ever done. On those days I feel a little stuck in a rut, I have a list of mostly women who can guide me to be the woman that I strive to be. If you haven't made a similar list, grab a pencil, paper, and start writing. I promise it will be a powerful tool in your life.

I have kept my career mentors private, as they prefer anonymity. However, I think that having a career mentor is essential, someone you respect, admire, and strive to emulate. In tough situations...I often ask "what would Dr. --- do", and that guides me to do what is right. 

--a few folks on MY LIST--

1 - My mom

Simply stated, my mom is an eternal optimist who radiates positive energy. She loves people. She is selfless and showers her friends and family with homemade food, bouquets of flowers, and personal gifts like quilts and small paintings. My favorite Mumford quote is "where you invest your love, you invest your life" and she was the first to really teach me that valuable lesson. 

2 - My dad

If you follow my blog, you have seen my GaryTalks where I reflect on the many life's lessons that my dad has taught us over the years. If there is one phrase that my dad embodies, it's from the movie Shawshank - "Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying" - and he is out raising hell, doing what he loves, enjoying life, and not taking a single day for granted. 

3 - Ina Garten

I love Ina's simple French style and her passion for SLOW food and sharing homemade meals around a gorgeous table with flowers, candles, and simple serving dishes.  Ina  surrounds herself with beautiful people, beautiful things, and keeps it simple. 

4 - My favorite aerobics instructor 

This lady ROCKS - she has kids, an amazing body, an upbeat energetic personality, and always gets me to the gym on days I am close to opting out. She lifts heavy weight, doesn't look a year over 35 though I know she's in her 40's, and is clearly taking care of her body.

5 - J.K. Rowling

If you are not familiar with her story, take a minute and read it. I am a feminist in that I respect and admire intelligent, articulate, creative, ambitious women who manage to retain their femininity yet have real substance and grit.

6 - Gretchen Rubin

Reading The Happiness Project secured my belief that little changes lead to big results. Gretchen is always trying to turn the volume up on making her life happier, and she does this by making little changes in her daily routine. I love subscribing to her daily quotes by email. 

7 - Nina Garcia (author of the Little Black Book of Style)

My mom recently introduced me to this book, and Nina is my new style guru. I'm giving copies to all my favorite girls this year. Nina advises to invest in the bones - pieces that are classic, timeless, and fit YOUR figure perfectly.  She also emphasizes that less is more, and that you should be smitten with every single item in your closet.

8 - Oprah

Live your best life. Period. That is my ultimate goal. Do your very best, where you are, with what you have. Fail today, do better tomorrow. I just love that. Oprah also coined the AHA moment which I can completely relate to. She loves people and she loves to get to know people. She has inspired me to ask more questions and get to know peoples stories.

SO THAT'S MY LIST. Sorry if I bored you. Please share your mentors with me! 

carmen's kitch: weekend inspiration - thoughts on mentors

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